Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"there is always a "who" in someone's Salvation"

I am so blessed to have these friends of mine. Tonight Lexie and Jean-luke invited me to their church to learn more about witnessing and to go out and talk to people about God. I was a bit uneasy as to what to expect. I actually had no idea what to expect. Was I supposed to talk to people about God? What if they don't want to talk to me? What do I even say? What if I don't know what to say and I choke on my words?  So many things ran through my head; so many fears. This was unknown territory but God told me to jump.

We all met at the church and first talked about what it is to witness and why we witness. Having a good foundation to start off on definitely helped ease my nerves. Loving God with all your heart was one thing, but creating disciples was another. I would later realize that, these two things are interconnected and inseparable. Starting in our own backyard, in our own city is just as important. Brian gave us several examples that really put into light why we witness. Hypothetically, if you were in a house that was on fire, and your family was asleep in the other room, you would do your best to alert them of impending danger. The same could be said about life without Christ. There are so many people who do not know God; nor that Christ died for our sins; nor accept him as their Savior. The sad truth is that there are so many people in the world- our friends, relatives, strangers who are not saved. These people do not know God, and will die not knowing God. Is there any greater sadness? Knowing this, it is our duty to try and bring others to Him. If we don't even try, we are just as responsible for their demise as they are. What a hard pill to swallow... So tonight was a first step in actually doing what God has called us to do (at least for me).

I still didn't know how to approach people so pressure was definitely taken off when Brian said I could just listen, and smile! After reading the scriptures and discussing the call of witnessing we headed out to the Manchester mall bus stop to talk to some people. I watched and listened as Lexie and Jean-luke witnessed and shared the Gospel with strangers. Praying for them as we talked to them. SO many receptive ears and hearts and some very lost and confused people. But, regardless of who they were; whether or not they loved Jesus- the Gospel was shared to everyone at the bus stop. It is so incredible to hear the stories people will share with you, when you let them know that you are there to listen and to love on them. Further, what a blessing to be able to share the Good News to open ears when Christ is working through you!

Right now, I am just so thankful for being able to experience this tonight. A spark has been lit and I am so hungry for more. 

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