Saturday, December 29, 2007

Film Reviews & Reflections: P.S. I love you & Juno

P.S. I Love You

The movie was precious, predictable and really something I needed. The time frame was hard to follow as a year went by in a matter of 40 minutes. Some of the characters should have played a bigger role because in the ened you really didn't understand how they got to feel that way or whatever. So what did I need, that this movie gave me? Hope.I've realized it's not bad to want something that you need. Something that will make you mean those "I do-s" I want a "Jerry". I want someone who I am sexually attracted to. Who is sexually attracted to me. Whose personality I can't get enough of. Who I can walk around naked and not even care. Who will talk with me, and fight with me, and have babies with me. Who will learn to understand what I'm thinking, what I say. Who adores me. Who believes in himself, and believe in me. Who loves me in all my flaws, and ugliness, beauty, and perfection. All at once. Who only wants to wake up with me every morning not because he's linked to me by a contract and a ring but because he couldn't bare the thought of living one second with me not in his life. I just want to be wanted. And until I find that man who I see as fit, I don't want to settle. And I won't-not anymore. There's hope that there are a few good men out there. I'm just tired of these hipster-enviornmental-musician-express wearing-valley boys. They're nice. But not that something extraordinary.

Not a family film. Made the mistake of watching it next to my mother. Very awkward. Especially the teenage sex scene. Not.....very......comfortable. I just stuffed my mouth with popcorn and pretended to watch a different movie. But this was hilarious. And very realistic. I think i'll email dr. higgins about it. It had elements of closed and open adoption in it. I don't think the film really considered the impact of closed or open adoptions. I don't recommend this for adoptees as the teenage mother didn't want anything to do with her child. Nor did the birth father.

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