Tuesday, December 27, 2005

New Year's Resolutions

I think this is definitly it.From now on, starting next semester, it's all about me. Not, in a conceided way of course, I just mean that I really need to put my priorities first. And that begins with school.So I give you my New Year's Resolutions:1. No more band- EVER. It's time to move on, and focus on more important things. Don't get me wrong, I loved it. It was fun, but I realized that it's not what I want to pursue in my life and I need to get over that and work towards my aspirations. Music will always be a part of my life, but I need this time to really get my life going on the track I want it to be going.2. No more skipping classes: For whatever reason, no matter how dull, meaningliess, brutal, ridiculous the class may be. No more. I have to sit through it at the very least.3. Cut down on pop/soda: Exceptions: Jone's Soda and Orangina. Main beverages will include tea, water and juice.4. Learn to play the guitar decently. Buy some more theory books, and some guitar music. Try to practice daily.5. Eat less student union food. No more wasting money everyday on (sorry Shantell)Tacobell , or Panda Express or (I'm sorry Ryne) Subway. From now on I'm going to try to bring food from home. Since I will have almost no time outside of school with 22 units, I need to make sure I watch what I eat. And yes Chris, I am going to take the 22 units. Thank-you for the warning, and the concern but I need to do this, for me. So you can tell me "I told you so" when I call you at 1 in the morning crying about how sucky life is, but this is just what I need to do.6. Get license & my own car; the keys to independence (no pun intended). It's about time don't you think?7. Spend less time on AIM, myspace, and facebook. They are distractions, and I've wasted so much time on these when I could be doing acutal work.The reason for all these goals? My grades. Dissapointing to say the least. No I did not get my 3.7. A faaaaaaar cry from it actually. 4 A's, 3 B's, 1 C, and surprisingly enough a D. That brought my GPA way down. I'm definitly going to take a lot of shit tomorrow morning when I show my parents my grades. They don't care about the A's or B's , the fact that I got a C will give them a seizure...I don't even want to think about what they're going to do to me when they see the big fat D. First time in my life I've ever gotten a D. God....when I saw it I just wanted to Die. ahh fuck. That's all I have to say. I am royally FUCKED! But, life goes on, all I can do now is work harder next semester and get that gpa raised.

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