Wednesday, February 8, 2006

sodium perchlorate heptahydrate

Sometimes I wish life would just slow down, so we could all take a breather, and maybe enojoy all the little things that we're too busy to recognize. I've been extrememly stressed lately, mainly because of school and the heavy work load. I'm pretty much hating myself right now for taking 2 science classes, but whatever. I've been going to the new Rec Center a lot, and really focusing on getting my body healthier, and I've been eating somewhat healthier, if you don't count the Crunchwrap Supreme I had for lunch today. I love the rec center. I can just go, put on my mp3, and cycle or run while I just think. I guess one good thing about being so busy with school is that for once I finally feel like I'm absorbing something from my education, unlike last semester. Academia; it's a love hate relationship. Anyways, I've been looking into law schools lately, and getting really excited and motivated. Right now, my dream law school is Penn State. Unfortunately it's across the country. A very close second is Stanford. Well, I guess that's it. My life right now, is all about college. I know I have no life, but I'd rather get the hardest semester out of the way sooner rather than later.In other news, my 18th birthday is coming up. All I have to say is it's about damn time! But I'm very excited. Having a lil dinner party with some close friends at Trelio in Old Town. It's going to be a smashing good ol time. The following weekend I'll be heading up to Stanford for Carlos' Vienesse Ball. I miss going to formals and proms, but this one is a bit different. It's actual ballroom dancing. There's also a swing room. I'm so excited. It'll be the first time I see him in 1 and 1/2 months. I miss him so to sum up:life is good. stressful. but good.

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