Monday, April 10, 2006

And Ode To The Nice Girls- Reprise

guess i need to vent.It's interesting really, how people change. I've realized that this year. So much has changed for the better and for the worse. Unfortunately a lot has changed for the worse that I don't know where I went wrong. On one end I've gotten so much closer to two of my friends,and have also gained so many new friends that I don't how I ever lived without. But, on the other end, certain people that I thought I really knew just change. They change in the way the act, the way the treat others, everything that I grew to love about them just changed. But then again, did I really know them? I mean, did I really know who they really were? Or was everything just an act, a mask, a lie? Was I fooled, or did I just fail to see past the good times, and laughs that we always shared? Whatever happened, I realize that people change. And no matter how much it may hurt, or how much you may hate it, the fact is life goes on, with or without them, you just move on. I guess that's just a part of life. People move away, you promise to always be there for each other, to never change who we are, but somehow we always seem too. It's just human nature, we can't ever promise to never change. We can promise however, to never change our morals. And therin lies the irony. It's a damn shame. Because what are we supposed to do? Say "fuck it" and eat some more ice cream. Tomorrow's a new day. One more day you know that you lived not hidden behind lies. If that's the case, more power to you, some people may never be at peace with themeselves.

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