Saturday, May 20, 2006

My Friend Mike

Mike Fogolin
May 26, 2004

I had just remembered last friday was Mike's 2 years in heaven. I miss him so much. I went to school with him in Canada. If the name Fogolin sounds familiar, and you follow hockey, it because his father was Lee Fogolin, former captian of the Edmonton Oilers. He was one of the greatest guys I'll ever know. Always had a smile on his face, and always took time out for his friends no matter how busy he was. And I'll always regret never telling him how much I valued his friendship. He was one of those guys that had it all going for him, and was still humble and thankful for everything he had. He had such a bright future. NHL was surely in his path. But, regretfully his heart stopped beating. Just suddenly his life was taken away in his sleep that Wednesday night. I miss you Mike. Thank you for blessing my life.

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