Saturday, May 27, 2006

Change Is The Only Thing That Is Constant

So there are a few things that I really want to do. And well I don't really think I care anymore about what people think, I'm just going to do it. Life's to short to always make choices based on what other people think.The first is that I want a navel ring. It's just something I've always wanted to get. I don't know why, some people may think it looks slutty, but I think it can be sexy and tasteful. I don't care anymore, it's what I want. I never said anything to you when you got 3 extra ear pericings and a looked like a mudda fuggin vamp. Did I?!Second, I'm getting my M Class so I can learn to drive a bike and maybe someday have my own. I've wanted one since highschool, and I think I've always put it off because my parents have never been very supportive of a girl driving a bike. They're old fashioned if you didn't know and the fact that I wanted a longboard for my birthday was appalling to them. But once I get a stable job I'm getting that lisence and that bike. I hate labels.Third, I want to move out. Next school year, I want to live on my own, get my own place, or with roomates. But, I just want to see what it's like by myself. I think it's about time.

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