Wednesday, June 14, 2006


i miss being evil. and being a nasty bitch to complete strangers just because it's tuesday and i don't like their hair. and the best part them never knowing. i miss pretending i'm from the U.K. and saying fuck just for the sake of the english accent. oh i how i miss it. i miss being groped by my quai-lesbian lovers. i miss pigging out on the notorious turtle cookies, who have all crawled their way to my thunder thighs and booty. i miss coding every thing that walks into the usu with two legs and a penis. muhahaha. i'm going to hell. but of course i miss table. i am out of school now and bored. and need table comfort. ok maybe southern comfort will do. be we all know what happens when jenny looses her consciousness...bad things happen. and i end up saying what the fuck did i do last night as i wake up to a passed out shivering black man on my couch, sticky spots of who the hell knows what on random areas of my tile, and a house full of empty bottles of alcohol that i paid for but did not even get to consume. damn. my life could be a parody. or a manual of what not to do when your parents leave and your left with a window to beautiful freedom, where you roll in the feilds of alcohol consumption. i think i should publish my memoirs.find more at my new bloggy

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