Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I'll be going to FIJI tomorrow with Chris to pay my respects. If anyone would like to come, it would be greatly appreciated. Having friends around makes this time just a little bit easier. On another note...I did a LOT of thinking today. First off let me say that this whole experience has turned me off to the idea of drinking. I can't do it anymore without thinking of what happened to Danny. And thinking about the way he died is to painful so I've decided that I'm not going to drink anymore. Yeah, I've only drank 3 times but those times I drank quite a bit, and I don't want to go down the same path Danny did. My eyes are open now. So if I'm hanging out with you and I decide not to, this is the reason why. Before this year I said to myself that I don't need alcohol in my body to have fun, and I still find it true. I don't really know why I did it in the first place now. I guess it was the fact that I was in a safe controlled setting where I had friends who would look out for me and make sure nothing happened to me. But, after last semester, I know this is the right thing to do.A Proposition...I don't judge the people that do drink, let me make that clear. Everyone deserves to have fun, socialize, experience life. The only thing I ask from you is to be safe. Be cautious of how much you drink, where you drink, and with whom. There was no car accident involved in Danny's death, but I still can't stress enough how important it is to have a designated driver. I've lost loved ones over drunk driving before, and I believe it's the most irresponsible thing to do, not to mention dangerous. When I get my lisence I would gladly drive anyone home, any time, any day. I mean that with all my heart. Secondly, know when too much is TOO MUCH. And if you know you're going to be in the position to not have that kind of judgement,drink with someone who you know will. Don't be irresponsible and drink yourself to a bloody stupor. I hate to be pragmatic at a time of so much hurt, and what I say next may seem insensitive, but what Danny did was wrong, stupid, and preventable. I guess that's what hurts the most is that there was something that could have been done to prevent this. But now it's too late. So please, I'm begging all of you too to think before you drink. A word to all my highschool buddies, I know that some of you do drink. I know I can't say anything to you that will stop you from drinking, and who am I to say anything first off? But please be safe, and remember it is ILLEGAL. When you do decide to drink, think twice, three times, four, five...think of your life, how hard you've worked to get to where you are, all the people who you love and love you. Now just think of all that being taken away from you in an instant. Everything-gone. Your family, your friends, all your dreams and aspirations completely wiped out in a second. Imagine not being able to grow old, experiencing life, graduating highschool, going to college, getting married, having children, etc...Imagine going to jail for the rest of your life because you killed an innocent person because of your irresponsible actions. Imagine seeing all your friends and family in so much hurt because they lost you. There are so many ways that people can get hurt from irresponsible drinking. Bottom line is Alcohol does not need a car to ruin lives, all it needs is one person stupid enough to not think about their actions. That's all it takes. Just one person.Please don't become that one person...

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