Saturday, October 18, 2008

mental slavery

i've been climbing a lot lately. i shouldn't be up but i am. i had two trials today and two more tomorrow. it should be ..sucky. not because i don't like it but because i am bored with my team. some of the new people and old people, get on my nerves. and as a great friend once said i am drowning in a sea of your inadequacies. she's a bitch and i love it. she's honest and brutal and shrewd but she's herself ya dig?

i'm babbling. i'm planning another excursion do some much needed bouldering in tollhouse. it's closer and i don't have to drive 3 hours to yosemite and i don't have to drive to the rock gym to get eye raped by dirty rock gym rats at yos fit. i'm getting stronger. my finger strength and balance is improving. rawWwwrr!! i love feeling healthy. being able to run for miles without stopping to catch my damn breath is incredible. i though of doin a marathon but why? i think that if i had some goal defined i would be less likely to reach it. i know it's a bit antithetical but i'm like that.

my parents don't know how they feel about me leaving overseas. i am training to climb mt. kilomanjaro next summer and then perhaps travel to tibet or even go home to the philippines. i decided on kilmanjaro after speaking with a geologist who actually attempted Denali, which was my first choice. Denali is the highest point in the western hemisphere. It's fucking deadly so I decided that Kilo would be better. Plus, I get to go on a cool safari after the week long climb! i've always wanted to see a pride rock and rafiki! oh gosh i'm such a nerd. I think it would be incredible if i had enough time to work out some boulder problems. i'm pretty sure chris sharma layed some out. he is my inspiration! i've been watching him more closely. my proffessor want me to be his climbing partner. he's so cool. but it got wierd when he told me to call him "andy". i said i'd try but after years of calling him "dr. fiala" it's strange to transition to a first name basis.

I did some sketches today. I perfected my design! I'm getting a tattoo. YUMA. or SAN. in Kanji. i love it. i can't wait.

life is intense. waiting for my LSAT scores. i can' t believe how fast this "undergrad" has flown by

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