Tuesday, January 13, 2009

girls grow up.

I find my self not being able to stand certain people. Specifically young girls. Their immaturity annoys me, and I find myself grinding my teeth in order to not say things which would ultimately crush their pedantic, pop culture, monotone dreams. One of my greatest fears is that I used to be one of those. ughhh... I feel old. Even though I'm not. I feel like I don't mesh with these girls. I refer to them as kids though they are only 2 years the younger, and I talk down to them like a parent would berate their devilish hyperactive child. I resent them for having such simplistic view of life, of their complete disregard for life's complexities and their own lavish, self-absorbed existence. I don't listen to them anymore. They think I'm a bitch. I'm just realistic and I don't want to listen to their stupid stories about how they totally know Taylor Swift, or the omg so awesome party their sorority threw last night, or the no way i totally have the blouse in pink i love it, or their socks or stupid dogs.. I'm tired of it. Girls, grow up. When I have my earphones in even though my ipod is dead, take a hint, and shoo.

Mr. Perfect first date, turned to Mr. Many Perfect Dates, has turned into Mr. Boyfriend, as he has had me smiling, and laughing, and experiencing the joy of getting to know somebody you know would impact your life. I find myself being able to talk to him about things that bother me, of things that worry me, of things I love, aspire to do, frustrate, and wish to experience. He spent the holidays with me and my family and on New Years we saw B.B. King live. Needless to say, I started the year of right this time. Not intoxicated, and with someone I feel safe, comfortable, and who's company is beyond enjoyable. Besides my family and my best friends he's the one of the few people I actually enjoy being around and having fun with. I like this feeling very much

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