Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Francois de la Rochefoucauld once said that "the only thing constant in life is change."how true.So, it's funny how today kept repeating itself. Never in my entire life have I gone through a mutual breakup and have it become so positive and healthy. But, I just wanna say that I love my friends, even though everyone of them said something along the lines of ..."damn, jenny you look like shit, what's wrong?"Apparently I felt like shit, and looked the part too. I guess when I look bad...I REALLY look BAD. It's going to be pretty wierd, and rough so please bare with me. I'm still having a hard time ridding my self of that "you dumbass you just made the biggest mistake of your life" feeling. So if you say something to me, and I start crying randomly, don't think you did anything wrong. You probably just reminded me of something that I miss.I think the second hardest part about this whole thing, is telling people over and over and over...and over...........and over again. And getting the same shock and awe.. and pity reactions over and over again. I just wanna make something very clear, there's nothing to feel sorry about. It was the happiest 2 years, 4 months and 7 days of my life. I've realized what I need, I grew, and in the end I found my soul mate. So, what could anyone be sorry for? I know what I want in the future, and I know what I want now. I know who and what kind of person I want to spend the rest of my life with. And I realize my limitations in this present reality.But , I did some post truamatic break up therapy with my madre. And splurged on jeans and sweaters at AE. Love that store. Bought a new suit for mock trial and kick ass kicks to match. Oh and I donated my hair to Locks of Love.Change can be good. Hard, rough, painful, heartbreaking, but very good.

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