Sunday, September 24, 2006

A Life Inspired

It's true what they say about life...that when it hits rock bottom there's only one way to go...Well, I'll be honest with the world for once, I've hit the bottom. Somehow I managed to plow through life's penultimate core and hit the very dense world of tortourous emotional grandeur. Some may call this a relapse in my time of growth, and some may call me a cry baby, but I see it more of as a very rude, and very due awakening.It's funny but the last thing I have to say is that my phone is broken after all those times I dropped it. It was finally forced to bite back and say fuck this. So email is the best way to get a hold of me. Call me a narsascist, a romantic, even an egoist. I am all those things. But I'm changing for the better. I'm changing finally. I lied before, but this is the truth. It's time to follow up on my goals. No more procrastination. This year is going to be unbelieveable. You'll see.

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