Saturday, November 12, 2005


There are bigger feats that you have to overcome in life, so you can't get distracted by the little things. I'm in an epiphany mood. lol. I'm going get my life on track. Latley things have been rough. . And I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure I stay on it. My relationship with my parents have been pretty terrible ever since I tried to shut them out of my life because I didn't think they would understand. I've been falling behind on some assignments, partially because I've been so drained, and because I just plain procrastinate. If I keep this rate up there's no way I'll get into any law school. I'm realizing so many things that I really need to focus on. Some interesting things I heard today: "Live like an attorney when your a law student and you'll more than likely live like a law student when you're an attorney." I keep saying I want more independence but I'm not doing really anything about it. Finals are coming up just around the corner. There's no room for stupidness. I've realized that in a matter of seconds your entire life could be turned upside down, and it's because of one bad mistake. No more temptations. No more excuses. This is it.My goals:1.Keep my 4.0 GPA2. Get my lisence3. Go to all my classes4. Get practice LSAT books5. File through Law Schools, and make semi final list of choices.6. Eat better. Not less. Just better.7. Get my abstinence/ promise ring8. Get a car9. Visit Law Schools10. Buy X-mas gifts.11. Apply for schoarships and grants12. Save money.13. Get a job.In a few months I'll see how far I've come on these goals. They may not seem important to you but they are to me.Today I realized that I need to focus on more important things, and things like this just distract me from work. So for now let me say goodbye."What lies before you, and what lies behind you are small matters compared to what lies within you." - Emerson

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