Monday, August 27, 2007

Remember It's All In Your Head

Ahhh....there it is.

That dreaded feeling that he's leaving.


will we even have time to talk anymore? much less spend time with each other?

it feels like a long distance relationship......again....

except we go to the same school.


I'm feeling a tad bit hopeless, and helpless. I need something to hold on to. Does he feel it? I don't think he does. He seems so optomisitc, but not realistic.

I don't think I can get by with just talks on the phone....again.
I don't want this to end up being the same as the last....
I need something ... that I'm not sure he can give me.
2hrs. a week is not much of a relationship? or is it? i don't even know
don't know if i can handle it.
As much as I like him. As much as I miss him. I don't really feel that he misses me. Maybe he does but not as much as I miss him. And that hurts. Yeah.

I think I'm gunna quit work.

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