Saturday, September 29, 2007

cigarettes and chocolate milk

i've got to admit, i've drank at work before, but today was baaaaad. lol. so worth it though.

i was definitely drunk at work today.
it got to the point that me and jacob were so pissed off that we decided to just say fuck it
kit is a dumbass
renee is a dumbass
i hate starbucks
except nights like these when i have a kick ass lead.

i love jacob.
and jacob's bro daniel.
they are def my favorites forever.


dropped all my pennies, and my dimes. what a hoot.
i came to the sad realization that our close was going to be better than half the fuckin closes at the entire store. lol. AND it was friday night, we got slammed making $350 in one half hour. that's something to the tune of $10.5 a minute.

3 beers, one smirnoff, 4 cigars, 1 cig.
oh yeah. i'm definitely due for a wellness blog tomorrow. lol

eugey broke up with eddie today. i am very proud of him. he needs to take care of himself first not worry about. that relationship wasn't all bad, i have to admit it made euge realize what he wants, and what he needs in life. and i hope that it does the same for eddie. i just want the best for him, and i know he's going to hurt right now, but i know in my heart that he's going to grow from this, and be better for it.

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