Sunday, September 16, 2007


Don't know. I miss him, but it's easier now. Feels like I'm bouncing back, but I want him to come back to me at the same time. When I think about certain times, certain songs, I can't help but feel like he's "the only one that really knew me." But I can't dwell on that anymore right? Only time will tell. Did he love me? Is that the reason why he let me go? Or was he really just not that into me? That's what he said. But there were times, that could say otherwise. I just wish he would have let himself love me. It would have been the greatest thing, but that's it. It's his loss. You'll never find another love like mine. This is closure. This is it. Friends.

No need to date guys in Fresno I know won't last. Wait till San Fransisco. Focus on school. Get the hell out of here.

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