Tuesday, September 11, 2007

a final goodbye to ol space

Said goodbye to the myspace this afternoon. Was most exhilarating! I realized I spent way to much time on something that I don't need. It was cold goodbye, like I didn't have the emotional attachment I had to it like I used to. Thought that it was the only way to keep in touch with people. But I realized that if people want to be in my life then they will make an effort to do so, and same goes for myself. In other words. I have my phone. I have my email. Other things seem unnecessary.
Don't know what to do with facebook yet. There's some sentimental value with that. I wonder if raf kept the conversations we had....I still have them. Don't know what to do with them.

21 units, mock trial, work, i need as much time to read as possible.

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